Twin Flame Testing Grounds
The journey of the Twin Flame is one of Self Love. While passing through testing grounds I share what I am learning, with you. I see it and understand it, where once upon a time I would have blamed and judged and allowed myself to be seen as a victim. But I see in myself now, where I have learned and where I have grown and I stand in my own reflection of self love. The testing ground is for both halves of one soul incarnate in two bodies. One is not right, one is not wrong, but rather the agreement betwe en 2 individual expressions of the same soul presenting the perfect scenario to learn what needs to be learned. It is not about judgement on a culture, religion, or against man or woman. It is about strength of self, love of self and finding harmony through the gift of having enough patience to see the difference between choosing to stay the same or choosing to grow. Each individual will learn in accordance with the energy expressed between the two expressions of the sa...