
Showing posts from May, 2018

Holding the Twin Flame Stillness

Holding the Twin Flame Stillness Did you know that it is super important that one half of the Twin Flame hold the stillness while the other is working through stuff or growing through a learning phase or growth process?  Hold your stillness and connect with your  Buddha Nature  while waiting either to connect with the Twin Flame or while they are struggling or running ... go about "quietly serving". Twin Soul Mission While you are waiting to connect with your Earthly Twin Flame, focus on connecting with your personal mission, this should come first and is paramount to your connection and awakening to the new missions that unfold when you begin to merge with the Earthly expression of your Twin Soul, known as your Twin Flame. First, there must be a union on the Inner Planes at the level of the Soul.  Here we meet and merge with our other half or our Twin Soul. From this union comes the seed and from the seed comes the personal mission which is ...