Holding the Twin Flame Stillness

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Holding the Twin Flame Stillness

Did you know that it is super important that one half of the Twin Flame hold the stillness while the other is working through stuff or growing through a learning phase or growth process? 

Hold your stillness and connect with your Buddha Nature while waiting either to connect with the Twin Flame or while they are struggling or running ... go about "quietly serving".

Twin Soul Mission

While you are waiting to connect with your Earthly Twin Flame, focus on connecting with your personal mission, this should come first and is paramount to your connection and awakening to the new missions that unfold when you begin to merge with the Earthly expression of your Twin Soul, known as your Twin Flame.

First, there must be a union on the Inner Planes at the level of the Soul.  Here we meet and merge with our other half or our Twin Soul. From this union comes the seed and from the seed comes the personal mission which is supported on the inner planes by your Twin Soul. In due course, or if it is destined and you do meet your Twin Flame, there must be a Union, and from that Union comes the seed/idea/inspiration to the new mission and the new mission of the Twin Flame is birthed.
Meanwhile "Quietly Serve" and continue to raise your frequency.  

How to Merge at the Level of the Twin Soul

In 2004, I went through a spontaneous awakening which I write about in my upcoming book "Birthing a New Reality".  I had merged with my Twin Soul and an explosive new beginning began to take place in my life and my Twin Soul mission began to unfold.  Spirit guided me toward a new Meditation and Healing modality that became known as LUXOR Light Ascension.  I didn't know back then that it was the merging of my Twin Soul, but since then I have been guiding others in how to merge at the level of the Soul and reconnect with the Higher Self through a dynamic new awakening program.  

Everything has it's timing and in due course and after I had fully anchored my Twin Soul mission, I met and began the merge with the Earthly expression of my Twin Soul, known as my Twin Flame.  This was a rocky ride for about 18 months until Spirit guided me once again in a system of taming the energies between the Twin Flames.  In less than 2 months my Twin Flame and I found peace and the uniting toward our Earthly mission together has begun.

Do you want to Merge with the Twin Soul?

If you would like to begin the process of merging with your Twin Soul in readiness for the Twin Flame union please check out the LUXOR Light Ascension Program.  It will empower you, enable you to amplify your frequencies so you are indeed living in the higher realms on Earth. It will assist you to awaken to your inner gifts and embark upon your Twin Soul Mission that you incarnated for.

If you have met your Twin Flame and you wish to learn how to tame the energies Please check out 
these options here and if you quote this post, I can offer you a casual program at just $110AUD per one on one Soul Coaching Session - up to 2 hours.


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