Healing the Split between Twin Souls
Twin Soul Merger |
My Soul's Mission has been to assist people to merge with their own divine masculine and divine feminine chakra system. In 2004 I was downloaded with a frequency for the purpose of ascension. It took me 12 months to digest that energy and to be given the information about how to bring it to Humanity for the purpose of ascending in consciousness and merging with the God/Goddess or the Alpha and the Omega. Since then I have been gifted with other frequencies or energies if you like that have a specific purpose, all to do with raising consciousness and returning to the Harmonics of the Perfected Hu-Man. There appears to be stages on this journey and I have travelled each of them first myself before sharing them with others.
What I did not know in 2004 when the first of the flames began to birth through me, was that I was indeed bringing through a series of energies that were in relation to the ultimate reunion of Self through the merging of both masculine and feminine aspects of the Soul. What I clearly remember though was this strong desire to want to re-unite with my Twin Flame. My understanding then and my understanding now are very far removed from each other.
Flames of my Flame
Prior to 2004 I was working with ascension and colour frequencies. Like most people I was desiring the perfect relationship and thought that given my work was all to do with ascension, I should be in union with my twin flame. The calling forth of my twin flame took me on a journey of immense awakening and journeys into the dark night of the soul. You can follow that journey with me with the upcoming publication of my new book "Birthing a New Reality". It's not published yet, but you can follow along and hopefully encourage me to hurry up and finish it. My journey took me to meeting and reconnecting with soul fragments (flames of my flame) in order to piece together the wholeness that is me. I will write about them another day.
I travelled through heart-break and hell, through Love and reunion with my own Angel of Presence, until eventually I stumbled upon the One. That One my Soul had been seeking with the deep longing within my heart, had also been seeking me, because this is the nature of twin souls. Conscious of it or not conscious of it, it is a seeking from the level of the soul to be once again in union that takes place life time after life time until the final coming together, never to need to incarnate as separate entities again.
Not What I Thought
I met my twin flame 8 years before, it was a brief meeting and little did I know I was being led by the One who would in years to come present as my twin flame. Our eyes met on that day and we both glanced away, but the souls had recognised each other even if we were not conscious of it at the time. Three years later we met by chance again. I was on a lonely dark quiet road, walking when I should not have been, in a state of disillusionment, heart break and deep in the dark night of the soul. I had been betrayed by the love of my life by a cruel and twisted fate and by chance the only person who passed by on that night when vehicles were not on the road because of a dust storm, was Him. I had not even thought of him again since that first meeting and then for the next 2 weeks he cheered me up somewhat out of my dark night, only for me to throw him into his. We met again briefly, 10 months later and again 3 years later. Every meeting was one where I felt a deep magnetic attraction and yet a strong pull to stay away.
Two years later and a strong desire to never return to that area of the world again, I was pulled to return. I'd had guidance telling me I was to meet my double, but first I had some things to do. My astrology chart said 2017. It was January 2016 and I was relaxed knowing I had some things to achieve, some spiritual travelling to complete until I found where in the world I would continue with my souls mission. I would return one last time to that area and say goodbye. I was relaxed feeling my twin flame was from another area of the world, not there and so, it was safe to return and say my goodbyes and have time to think where my next phase would lead me.
One Month into my return, we met again and the magnetism was still there but I was not at all piecing the puzzle yet. Our eyes would meet and glance away. It's a long story, but within weeks I tried to leave and every time I went to book my plane ticket I would get a strong nauseating feeling, so strong I felt I would vomit. I wanted to meet with my daughter in India but every date I chose and every time I tried to book I would begin to feel as if I would be sick. I decided to have a reading and the reader told me, I could not leave because there was a connection I had not made and until I made that connection my next phase of my spiritual work could not unfold. I assumed it was to do with my teachings, so I put out for people to come and study with me and they did and so I was booked up for the next 3 months. I was happy and I relaxed.
Finding Harmony between Twin Flames
The story unfolds with strange synchronicities constantly appearing. It was not what I thought and, it was not in my game plan and I wanted to run. We clashed and clashed some more. I pulled away more and more and he dived deep into the dark night again. We tried for 2 years to distance ourselves from each other only to keep coming full circle, cycle upon cycle. We are so opposite, me, so spiritually centred and he, not yet awake. Too hard, too hard, too hard. Not being a quitter, I always said the twin flame reunion is not about relationship, so all we have to do is get along, but it was just too hard and I was ready to quit on this contract this time. But how do you quit when the pull just keeps recycling and there is no end to the constant cycles of finding each other again? Two magnets, same, but different, bouncing off each other. I decided to take the lead.
Not about Relationship
I continually reminded myself that this is not about relationship, this is about two souls coming to harmony with each other and loving each other unconditionally no matter what. I was thrown into a remembrance of the soul shattering experience I'd had with my previous relationship. That relationship was so strong, such a deep and powerful soul connection that indeed, I thought he was my twin flame. He broke my heart so deeply, I did not think I would ever love again, but through that experience I was gifted with more energies, more frequencies to the flames I carry and more awakening gifts that I pass on to others. My heart began to break and I called out for help and Spirit answered. I was whisked away overseas within 24 hours to retreat then back to my home land. Nearly 4 months passed before I returned again and when I did, I knew what to do.
I began to meditate on healing the wound between souls and Spirit guided me every step of the way. After just 2 months of working with Spirit on the purpose of healing the wound between twin souls, our souls merged and the physical expressions followed. Within just 2 months we found harmony. Nearly 2 years of a battle of wills and only 2 months it took to heal the rift between souls and come to peace so that the soul extensions that we call flames of the same flame; the two opposites expressions of the same soul have found harmony. We no longer feel the need to pull away, the harmony is complete, the souls are reunited on the spiritual level and although I did not think the physical could achieve such a thing, it has. And the reward is my new mission that because of our merge is "our" joint mission. The mission that comes when two Souls, two Opposite and yet equal in magnitude Expressions of the Same Soul find harmony and join to bring something special and unique to the world.
Finding Harmony between Souls
Spirit has shown me how to work with the new energies I embodied in June. Now that I have fully digested the new information I was given in the 6 months to follow, I Am to assist others to find the same harmony between the Twin Soul and anchor that harmony to the earthly expression of twin flame.
This technique can heal the rift even before the meeting of the flames and the dance does not have to be so wild. Removing the personality and working on the Inner Planes in a way that shows you exactly step by step where the other half of your soul is at with the journey of union. This in itself gives a great deal of peace and allows you to find stillness in amongst the chaos.
The Dance of the Eternal Flame
- a Soul Coaching program to heal the wound between Twin Souls and allow the coming together of that Earthly expression we call Twin Flames.
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