How to find Union with your Twin Flame
Finding Union with your Twin Flame
As I mentioned in my previous post, union begins with full union within the masculine and feminine within yourself. I wish to point out that this is the most important thing and where all twins and everyone else alike should be placing their aim. I'm a twin flame, I understand the magnetism, the pull and even the romantic desire and illusion or should I say delusional desire of wanting the happily ever after. But those that understand through their own experience that we can get to the point of never wanting that type of union because the clash of wills and mirroring has been too damaging, may be happy to know that this phase too is very significant. The key is to shift your focus from union with your twin to union with yourself. Unconditional love is the gift that comes "for" and "from" the twin flame journey. The "I never want to see you again" type feeling, can be exactly where you need to get for this journey to kick in to it's next phase. That phase can be very long and drawn out if you don't "get it".Finding Self-Love
At this phase true healing can begin. You step away from desire of being with your twin. You can't forget them, because the bond is never broken. But now you are in a very powerful phase of self-healing and opportunity for self-love. Don't place your focus on union with your twin but rather on your own journey of healing.
The twin flame mission is unconditional love for humanity. You might yearn to be with your twin flame, you might even feel like you hate them for what they've done to you and you hate it even more because you are forever haunted by them in your thoughts and your heart. You still feel them. You still know when they are in pain, you still know when they are thinking of you, when they are asleep or awake or with someone else or whatever other multitude of things you can feel because you share the same energy field. It could be years since you have seen them or had contact with them and they still haunt you. You can't just forget them because they are still always there. Distance is not real distance but can make it easier to shift your focus. The point is, focus should be shifted to you, to heal and grow, but not to become bitter. Each twin flame needs time to grow and heal on every level and the more we heal ourselves, the more space we give them to heal. In this way we are already giving to the collective twin flame mission of bringing unconditional love to the world. To love unconditionally, you let them go, to heal and grow and you too heal and grow. Let go of the outcome.
If your twin flame is in your life in someway and you see them daily or regularly, the challenge is stepped up, but you are ready for this or it would not be this way. Step back as much as you can, find boundaries within yourself. Learn about yourself and learn about your connection. Take conscious time out for separation so both parties can heal and integrate. If you don't take conscious time out, you will be forced into separation anyway. The twin flame journey is not meant to be smothering, but meant to be what brings you into greater power within yourself, into union within yourself. The more you step back with love and Understanding, the more union takes place.
Healing and activating the Masculine and Feminine within
Would you like to know how to come into union within your own masculine and feminine within your own consciousness? I came into spiritual union with my twin flame in 2004 and activated my spiritual mission for twin flames. This is a master frequency that enables individuals to come to a place of healing within themselves first and foremost. That in turn enables you to heal and activate the masculine and feminine awakening you to the fifth dimension within each chakra. This is the preparation needed for embodying the Divine Feminine and Divine Masculine within which then enables you to connect with the Twin Soul and find unity at the 10th dimension. Once you have activated 10th dimensional level of consciousness you are able to awaken to your twin flame mission. This also activates the magnetism that draws twin flames together in the physical. You can begin anytime and work at your own pace or secure a limited option of working one on one with me, check it out here.Twin Flame Union Analysis $22AUD
If you would like to understand where you are in union within yourself and in union with your twin, I am offering a "Twin Flame Union Analysis". I will look at the degree of union within each chakra and within each layer of your aura. This is also available if you have not met your twin flame yet, because it is important to understand your own readiness. Some people just "know" they have a twin flame, they can sense or feel them pulling on them, or they may turn up in their dreams. This Twin Flame Union Analysis will also help you to understand where you are at and where you need to focus on your healing journey before your Twin Flame arrives.Please write Twin Flame Union Analysis on the payment form
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