
How to find Union with your Twin Flame

Finding Union with your Twin Flame As I mentioned in my previous post,  union begins with full union within the masculine and feminine within yourself.  I wish to point out that this is the most important thing and where all twins and everyone else alike should be placing their aim. I'm a twin flame, I understand the magnetism, the pull and even the romantic desire and illusion or should I say delusional desire of wanting the happily ever after. But those that understand through their own experience that we can get to the point of never wanting that type of union because the clash of wills and mirroring has been too damaging, may be happy to know that this phase too is very significant. The key is to shift your focus from union with your twin to union with yourself . Unconditional love is the gift that comes "for" and "from" the twin flame journey. The "I never want to see you again" type feeling, can be exactly where you need to get for...

Understanding the Phases of the Twin Flame Journey

Understanding Twin Flame Phases In sharing my understanding of my journey, I hope it sheds light on yours.  There really is only one way to understand this and that is to experience it and remove yourself from placing twin flame journey along side soul mate or karmic partner relationships, because there really is no comparison. The dynamics just cannot be explained to someone who has not experienced it. In normal circumstances you would just walk away, but in a twin flame dynamic there is no walking away, at least not complet ely. It's not possible because the bond can never be broken. I feel the twin flame connection is where the saying "what God has joined together, let no man take asunder". It's not an easy journey, but a very fascinating one when you become the student of it. The twin flame journey is about learning about self-love and when we truly understand that, the journey just gets more interesting and hopefully a tad easier. Understan...

Finding Harmony with our Masculine and Feminine

This journey into healing the rift between Twin Flames is an extension of the  LUXOR Light Ascension process .  The LUXOR Light Ascension process was a gift of Spirit when I came into Union with my Twin Flame at the Level of the Soul before we met in the physical.  At the point of bringing this together, I am not in full Union with my twin in the physical, however, we are and have been in Union and Sacred Marriage since March 2004.  This was/is my Twin Flame Mission.  We each have a connected mission with our Twin Flame that begins when the Sacred Marriage takes place at the level of the tenth dimension. The journey into Union with twin flame is not without challenges and these challenges appear to mimic the path of ascension.  The reason for this is because the purpose of twin flames coming into union and the journey to get there is all about ascension and finding unconditional love of self first and foremost and then with the twin soul incarnate on ...

Holding the Twin Flame Stillness

Holding the Twin Flame Stillness Did you know that it is super important that one half of the Twin Flame hold the stillness while the other is working through stuff or growing through a learning phase or growth process?  Hold your stillness and connect with your  Buddha Nature  while waiting either to connect with the Twin Flame or while they are struggling or running ... go about "quietly serving". Twin Soul Mission While you are waiting to connect with your Earthly Twin Flame, focus on connecting with your personal mission, this should come first and is paramount to your connection and awakening to the new missions that unfold when you begin to merge with the Earthly expression of your Twin Soul, known as your Twin Flame. First, there must be a union on the Inner Planes at the level of the Soul.  Here we meet and merge with our other half or our Twin Soul. From this union comes the seed and from the seed comes the personal mission which is ...

Twin Flame Testing Grounds

The journey of the Twin Flame is one of Self Love. While passing through testing grounds I share what I am learning, with you. I see it and understand it, where once upon a time I would have blamed and judged and allowed myself to be seen as a victim. But I see in myself now, where I have learned and where I have grown and I stand in my own reflection of self love. The testing ground is for both halves of one soul incarnate in two bodies. One is not right, one is not wrong, but rather the agreement betwe en 2 individual expressions of the same soul presenting the perfect scenario to learn what needs to be learned. It is not about judgement on a culture, religion, or against man or woman. It is about strength of self, love of self and finding harmony through the gift of having enough patience to see the difference between choosing to stay the same or choosing to grow. Each individual will learn in accordance with the energy expressed between the two expressions of the sa...

Twin Soul Energy Coaching

Healing the Wound between Twin Souls Do you wish to Find and reunite with the other half of your Soul?  To find a way to come into harmony with your divine counterpart, the other half of you; your Twin Flame?   Have you met your Twin Flame but find you are stuck in the dance of not being able to come together and not being able to let go and be apart either? I have been Divinely inspired by spirit to bring a system that can calm the dance and return the Twin Flames to each other.  Through this divinely guided merging process that takes place on the Inner Planes, we are able to read the situation between Twin Flames and understand the dynamic that is holding us away from harmony and true union. Twin Soul Energy Coach Acting as your coach and mentor, I will guide you every step of the way.  I have merged with my Twin Soul and found union with my Twin Flame through this process that was downloaded to me from Spirit.  This is not just a syst...

Healing the Split between Twin Souls

Twin Soul Merger My Soul's Mission has been to assist people to merge with their own divine masculine and divine feminine chakra system.  In 2004 I was downloaded with a frequency for the purpose of ascension.  It took me 12 months to digest that energy and to be given the information about how to bring it to Humanity for the purpose of ascending in consciousness and merging with the God/Goddess or the Alpha and the Omega.  Since then I have been gifted with other frequencies or energies if you like that have a specific purpose, all to do with raising consciousness and returning to the Harmonics of the Perfected Hu-Man.  There appears to be stages on this journey and I have travelled each of them first myself before sharing them with others.   What I did not know in 2004 when the first of the flames began to birth through me, was that I was indeed bringing through a series of energies that were in relation to the ultimate reunion of Self through...