How to find Union with your Twin Flame
Finding Union with your Twin Flame As I mentioned in my previous post, union begins with full union within the masculine and feminine within yourself. I wish to point out that this is the most important thing and where all twins and everyone else alike should be placing their aim. I'm a twin flame, I understand the magnetism, the pull and even the romantic desire and illusion or should I say delusional desire of wanting the happily ever after. But those that understand through their own experience that we can get to the point of never wanting that type of union because the clash of wills and mirroring has been too damaging, may be happy to know that this phase too is very significant. The key is to shift your focus from union with your twin to union with yourself . Unconditional love is the gift that comes "for" and "from" the twin flame journey. The "I never want to see you again" type feeling, can be exactly where you need to get for...